- Complete solution to automate your Gold loan finance or pawn broking finance business.
- Full information is kept on every Loan to get the information back on all future enquiries
- Information includes Customer and Guarantors, Gold items with condition as well as financial details, Interest schedule, letters, loan transactions, and notes.
- Various type of Pawn Receipts (Part Payment Receipt, Closing Receipt)
- Letters ranging from mild reminders through to sale of non-redeemed can be generated.
- Penalty Interest can be calculated on Overdue Loans.
- Advanced Search Provision to find the customer quickly.
- Customer History and Party summary report will allows you to analyze the party status
- Easily track your pledged item inventory in and outside the firm and customer information in one place
- Multiple locations allows you to keep the pledged item with ease
- Integrated accounting, Re pledging, Auctioning entry can helps the pawn broker to avoid the manuals
- Comprehensive, flexible and user-friendly reports, and export to excelformat, Simple and Multiple Interest Scheme types and payment options.
Business Benefits
- Maximize the profit for business and reduce losses
- Reduce Manual work, Increase your free time
- Improved profitability, productivity, efficiency and competitiveness
- Quick decision making
- Easily track your customer information in one place.
- Improved customer satisfaction
- Overall improvement in business reporting and management